XProxy is a device and software that helps you build your mobile or residential proxies more easily without knowledge about technical and spending too much time researching hardware and technology.
XProxy is designed for non-technical people who are not much about computer and network knowledge, for sellers, advertising people,… It’s so simple that just plug and play. If you have programming knowledge, XProxy can help you save time and effort a lot for automation bots creation.
We introduced the first product in 2018 for a large community of more than 3000 clients in the world who are using Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Amazon, and Shopify marketing. So, we have years of experience in the proxy farm, and our product is very stable. Users may save time a lot without spending time on bug-fixed like other services.
If you are looking for a solution to create your mobile proxy to avoid being blocked by platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Shopify, and Amazon, … then XProxy will help you a lot.
This solution uses LTE SIM cards where you are living. The proxies generated from your internet provider have a large of IPs.
The most important thing is the IP source. It is used by thousands of real devices and people there. Therefore, it will be difficult for platforms to find a way to detect your proxies since your bots use the IPs same as real people.
If you buy a mobile proxy from a provider, which is probably being used by many users, the platform’s fraud detection will be easy to detect unusually.
XProxy device brings many benefits with many features such as scheduling rotation automatically, or IP rotation by API integrated with your bots to actively change IP when switching accounts, avoid block when you farming a lot.
Creating your mobile proxy is easy and beneficial for the following reasons: